UM WITH LION EMBLEM WALL CLOCK, 16″ H X 12 1/2″ W, RUNS, WITH KEY Images Click on thumbnails to see larger images:
UM WITH LION EMBLEM WALL CLOCK, 16″ H X 12 1/2″ W, RUNS, WITH KEY Images Click on thumbnails to see larger images:
English Description: wall clock, USA, Delta-C&F Flies Feththomas time, 36 cm in diameter Deutsche Beschreibung: Wanduhr, USA, Delta-C&F Flies Feththomas time, 36 cmc Durchm. Description Fran?ais: Horloge murale, USA, Delta-C&F Flies Feththomas time, 36 cmc dam. Descrizione Italiano: orologio da parete, USA, Delta-C&F Flies Feththomas time, 36 cmc diametro Images Click on thumbnails to see […]
19th Century Wood Wagon Wall Clock with Replaced Works Images Click on thumbnails to see larger images:
Heinz Te Laake. Wall clock/ kinetic object, 1985. H. 34 cm; 34 x 7.9 cm. Perspex, sheet metal, white, black, yellow, blue, red and green. Marked: 43/ 50 te Laake 85 (pencil), Kienzle. Clockwork by Kienzle, Schwenningen. Images Click on thumbnails to see larger images:
WOODEN OCTAGON WALL CLOCK, FAIR CONDITION, 11 X 11 X 3.5IN Images Click on thumbnails to see larger images:
WOODEN OCTAGON WALL CLOCK, 30 HOUR MARINES, (MISSING CRYSTAL), POOR CONDITION, 8.5 X 8.5 X 3IN Images Click on thumbnails to see larger images: